Photo by Leo Rivas / Unsplash


Something Every Week for Kids...

Kids are the life of our church community and so there is plenty for young people each Saturday in our worship program. You can expect a segment of songs, storytelling and activities which the kids look forward to each week. The adults love it too! The main worship program begins at 11.30am every Saturday.

Sabbath School for Kids

For children of ages 2 to 12 years, this group is specially designed to introduce God - His love, creation and value of each child in a fun and interactive way. The time is filled with songs, stories, activities, games and craft to help children learn about what life is like with Jesus. It also helps children make new friends, practise getting along with others and try new activities in a safe, supported setting.

At Cotts Church, our Sabbath School for Kids is available from 10.30 to 11am on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month.

Messy Church

Making God's word practical and fun for all ages in a way that we get to know each other across generations is what Messy Church is all about. Kids are an important part of this program. Several times a year a main worship program is devoted to bringing God's word alive through hands on and interactive stories, songs, videos, crafts, gardening, cooking, games and activities. We want little and big kids to realise how much Jesus loves them and created them for a purpose. Messy Church events are held periodically in place of the regular 11.30 worship program on Saturdays. Coming dates are available in the Events section.